Build Together

A space for ​work, a space ​for healthy ​habits

Pool area of Florida mansion

A place for ​hackers

fascinating mountain ranges and charity passion

ISO hackers with high "bus" value. Bring ​something to the table. You get more when ​you give more. You build in public. You offer ​support. You like to ask for help.

heads up


heads down

Join our ​community of ​hackers

Starting a discord for people to build together. ​Here are the values

Every member has a "super power". ​This is what you can offer help with

Every member has a "learning power". This is ​how others can follow your journey and learn ​while you are learning.

Every member has a "communication power". ​This is the medium through which a member ​feels empowered to engage with others

bob the builder
String Beads Illustration

No strings attached

No membership fee. Ever. We will never ask for equity. ​Powered by giving people.

Self-curated hacker houses

Co-horts are self-selected. Anyone can create one under ​the brand as long as they follow the values and guidelines ​created by the community.

centralized network

IRL Driven, Web Native

The only way to join is to meet someone IRL. Token-Gated ​Discord. Two month trial to come up with your super-​powers and give back before becoming a new member.

Handdrawn Organic Marketing Partnership Icon

Partnerships welcome

Our partners help members the same way members help ​members. By offering a helping hand, our partners will also ​be provided with memberships, which will keep their values ​aligned with ours.

"There is no power for change greater than a ​community discovering what it cares about." ​– Margaret J. Wheatley

Task A: Someone please write abou​t why this community might be useful t​o yo​u

Someone, Founder

Task A: Someone please write about ​why this community might be useful to ​you

Someone Else, Freelancer

Task A: Someone please write about ​why this community might be useful to ​you

T​hird Person, Community Builder

Build Together

Join our community

Meet a member IRL to join

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