Build Together
A space for work, a space for healthy habits
A place for hackers
ISO hackers with high "bus" value. Bring something to the table. You get more when you give more. You build in public. You offer support. You like to ask for help.
heads up
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Join our community of hackers
Starting a discord for people to build together. Here are the values
Every member has a "super power". This is what you can offer help with
Every member has a "learning power". This is how others can follow your journey and learn while you are learning.
Every member has a "communication power". This is the medium through which a member feels empowered to engage with others
No strings attached
No membership fee. Ever. We will never ask for equity. Powered by giving people.
Self-curated hacker houses
Co-horts are self-selected. Anyone can create one under the brand as long as they follow the values and guidelines created by the community.
IRL Driven, Web Native
The only way to join is to meet someone IRL. Token-Gated Discord. Two month trial to come up with your super-powers and give back before becoming a new member.
Partnerships welcome
Our partners help members the same way members help members. By offering a helping hand, our partners will also be provided with memberships, which will keep their values aligned with ours.
"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." – Margaret J. Wheatley
Task A: Someone please write about why this community might be useful to you
Someone, Founder
Task A: Someone please write about why this community might be useful to you
Someone Else, Freelancer
Task A: Someone please write about why this community might be useful to you
Third Person, Community Builder
Build Together
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